Monday, January 5, 2009

God's Little Pocket of Protection

This has been an interesting and crazy winter here in Oregon. December 13th was the beginning of a two week winter storm with lots of snow. One thing you have to know about Portland is the fact that they don't use salt or anything to get the roads cleared off. Pretty much everything shuts down. Well, we made it through that, and then last week we started having melting snow and lots of rain. What does that mean out here? Flooding and landslides! The house we moved into is located with a creek on the other side of a small road. It is very nice to have on a normal day with the ducks and everything. Going to the creek is one of our highlights to do everyday. Well, last week we ended up with a flooding creek. The water covered half the road and was very deep. We were a little nervous.

We did find out through this that our house is probably one of the safest ones on the street. You see, the house next door and on down the street one direction is acceptable to being flooded by the part of the creek across the street from us. They said the part that we have to worry about is the water flooding a local business on the corner of another street and it coming up over the bridge and down our street. Our house is a distance from this and we would be the last house effected.

This isn't to say that our little home couldn't be flooded because we have been braking records out here with snow fall and rainfall. It has been unbelievable. But, it seems that God has placed us in the safest house on this street. It is almost like we are in a pocket...God's pocket of protection. We have been thanking and praising God for His protection yet again. We do ask you to please pray for us and our neighbors right now. We are suppose to have rain everyday this week until the weekend. The creek has started coming up again. So, pray with us for His protection.


At January 9, 2009 at 1:36 PM , Blogger Patty said...

Praise the Lord you all are o.k. It does sort of sound like you had a hedge of protection around you. Take care...and take care of those babies. (Thanks again for the pictures of them!)


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